Aromatherapy Massage at Kenz Beauty

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils extracted from plants to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. These oils are volatile liquids obtained through steam distillation or mechanical expression of aromatic plant material. Throughout history, aromatic oils have been utilized as stimulants or sedatives for the nervous system, as well as remedies for various disorders.

The roots of aromatherapy originated in ancient Egypt, where medical papyri dating back to around 1555 BCE contain treatments for a wide range of illnesses and instructions on how to apply them.

Essential oils are composed of a diverse range of chemical components derived from metabolites found in different plant materials. The primary chemical constituents of essential oils encompass monoterpenes, esters, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, phenols, and oxides, all of which are volatile and capable of emitting distinct aromas. The varying proportions of these compounds in different types of essential oils are believed to contribute to their unique fragrances and therapeutic properties.

Aromatherapy massage effect on the body:


  • Massage therapy communicates with the brain through sensory receptors to promote relaxation throughout the body. Carrier oils, which are used to dilute essential oils, help to hydrate and shield the skin. Certain essential oils have the ability to soothe and calm the skin, although it is important to be aware that some essential oils, such as citrus oils, can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight or may cause irritation if used in excessive amounts.
  • Massage along with the addition of calming and sedating oils dilate blood vessels which can decrease blood pressure.  
  • Massage with essential oils can soothe sore muscles, decrease inflammation and decreases lactic acid for quicker recovery.
  • Aromatherapy massage enhances the release of endorphins and reduces body tension and emotional stress.
  • Essential oils can dilate bronchial passages for better oxygenation and some oils can help to clear mucus congestion of the upper respiratory tract. 
  • Aromatherapy masssage aids the flow of lymph from the tissues to the lymph glands to reduce fluid build up (oedema). 
  • Massage over the digestive system in a clockwise direction encourages peristalsis to aid elimination.
  • Aromatherapy massage can assist to loosen stiff joints to allow better and freer movement. 

    Book a Aromatherapy Massage with out team today