What is a hot stone therapy massage?

Stone massage is an holistic treatment. Before and during the massage, stones are placed on the energy centres (chakras) and energy pathways (meridians)

The purpose of stone massage is to anchor the root (muladhara) chakra and the second (svadhisthana) chakra of the body. These chakras help our bodies stay connected to the Earth. 

The Healing Power of Stone Massage: A Holistic Approach to Wellness

In the realm of alternative therapies, stone massage stands out as a profoundly holistic treatment that intertwines ancient wisdom with modern therapeutic practices. By integrating principles from diverse healing traditions, this method aims not just to alleviate physical discomfort but to foster a sense of balance and harmony within the body and spirit.

The Foundations of Stone Massage

At its core, stone massage involves the strategic placement of heated or cooled stones on various energy centers, or chakras, and energy pathways, known as meridians. This technique draws upon:

  1. Ayurvedic Beliefs in the Chakra System: According to Ayurveda, the human body houses seven main chakras, each corresponding to different physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of being. The root chakra (muladhara) at the base of the spine is associated with stability and a sense of security, while the second chakra (svadhisthana), located just below the navel, relates to creativity, sexuality, and emotional well-being.

  2. Taoist Beliefs in Yin and Yang: Traditional Chinese philosophy emphasizes the balance between opposing forces, known as yin and yang. Stone massage seeks to harmonize these energies, enhancing the body's natural ability to heal.

  3. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiatsu: These systems focus on qi (pronounced ‘chee’), or life energy, which flows through pathways called meridians. Blocking or stagnation of qi can lead to physical and emotional issues, making the balancing effect of stone massage a versatile approach to healing.

Two other terms that are often used are alternate and complementary therapies. Complimentary therapies are used alongside conventional medicines or treatments. Alternative therapies are sometimes grouped with complementary therapies, but they refer to different concepts.  Alternative therapies are used instead of conventional medicines or treatments.

Services such as body massage, stone therapy massage, nutrition and diet and meditation are all considered complementary therapies. They can be used in conjuction with medical care with the appropriate clearance but can never be used as the sole treatment method. 

Massage movements

Hot stone therapy massage uses the same fundamental massage movements as in body massage. Stones are applied with differing pressure on specific points of the head, face and body to release energy channels and to stimulate the nervous system. 

After your treatment,  we suggest the following:

1. Take a break for 2-5 hours to allow your body to recuperate.

2. Eat lightly because digesting food requires a lot of energy.

3. Drink plenty of fluids since the massage helps with elimination.

4. Stay away from stimulants like nicotine and caffeine to avoid getting a headache.


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